The difference in public perception of the brand name Twitter in the old version and the new version

Muhammad Redzki Nurfadillah Mukhseni, Rendra Widyatama


In March 2023, Elon Musk changed Twitter's logo to a white X symbol on a black background, replacing the old Twitter logo, which had been a blue bird image used for 17 years. This change sparked a debate, especially since people had become familiar with Twitter's old logo and had formed a connection with the social media platform through it. In marketing communication, the brand name reflects a company's identity and creates its own perception among the audience. Changes to the brand will also alter people's perceptions of the company. This research aims to uncover the audience's perception of the old and new Twitter brand images. The research uses a quantitative approach, where the researcher collected data through an online questionnaire involving 300 active Twitter users as respondents. Data analysis used the Paired t-Test statistical method to analyze differences in perception. The research results show that there is a significant difference in perception between the old and new versions of the Twitter brand name. This is evidenced by a p-value of 0.000. 

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