Marketing communication strategy of Jiwa Jawi to increase consumer number in 2023

Kaniya Annisa Faza, Muhammad Muttaqien


The consumer style of society can bring the effect of business growth in Indonesia. The large number of culinary businesses can cause market competition. This market competition is also experienced by Jiwa Jawi, which is a restaurant that combines the concepts of nature and Javanese. Due to the increasing number of businesses in the culinary industry, appropriate marketing communication strategies are needed to increase the number of customers. This research aims to determine the marketing communication strategy implemented by Jiwa Jawi to increase consumers in 2023. The research methodology uses qualitative descriptive research. This research uses data collection techniques through interviews and literature study. This research uses the marketing mix (4P), promotion mix, and STP analysis. The result showed that Jiwa Jawi had implemented the 4P concept in marketing and to increase consumers is supported by promotions, that are advertising, public relations, and direct marketing.

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