Use of Instagram social media on the Rensia Sanvira account as child parenting media

Wenny Sari, Fitriananda An Nur


This journal reviews use of instagram social media on the rensia sanvira account as child parenting media . This research aims to describe the planning, implementation and role of social media regarding parenting children via Instagram. This type of research is qualitative research with a naturalistic paradigm. The research instruments are observation, interview guidelines, and researchers as key instruments. The data source for this research is the results of interviews with followers of Rensia Sanvira's Instagram. The result is knowing about parents' understanding of parenting in changing how to educate children properly through videos on Rensia Sanvira's Instagram. The implementation process involves applying self-disclosure research to social media users using a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Qualitative research methods were used in this research because in general the aim of this research was to describe the characteristics of self-disclosure to parents on social media. This research uses a descriptive research type aimed at describing and illustrating existing phenomena and conditions, situations as well as variables that are objects. Especially related to parenting using videos from Rensia Senvira's Instagram. The role of character education is to increase the quality of learning that is more understandable, motivating, inspiring and meaningful. Apart from that, you can be inspired to apply it in everyday life, such as educating children properly, and better understanding the character of each child.


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