Communication strategy by department of communication and informatics of Bantul Regency to increase the number of Bantulpedia application user in achieving Smart City in 2023

Yosi Diah Pramesthi, Nur Sofyan


Bantulpedia is a platform created by the Department of Communication and Informatics of Bantul Regency. Bantulpedia is an application that integrates several public service applications to facilitate community governance in simplifying the administrative system, which often becomes an obstacle in decision-making and public services. As a government institution, the Department of Communication and Informatics of Bantul Regency needs to be actively involved in efforts to communicate the Bantulpedia application to the public in realizing the smart city concept in Bantul Regency. This study will discuss how the Department of Communication and Informatics in Bantul Regency will increase the number of Bantulpedia application users to achieve a Smart City in 2023. This research adopts a qualitative case study approach with data collection techniques involving interviews and document analysis. The findings of this study indicate that the Department of Communication and Informatics implements communication strategies by identifying the target audience, determining communication objectives, designing communication, choosing communication channels, determining the budget amount, determining the promotion mix, managing integrated marketing communication, and measuring results through evaluation. To achieve this goal, they utilize various media, such as radio, television, print media, social media, and exhibitions.#

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