The audience’s reception to message in Film Miracle in Cell No. 7

Janitra Saktigamawijaya, Gibbran Prathisara


Film is a powerful and effective communication medium to convey messages to the audience. Not only as entertainment, in the film there are also messages and life values that can be taken as teachings in everyday life. The movie Miracle in Cell No. 7 is one of the films that contains a message in it. As viewers, we are not only connoisseurs but also can interpret any message contained in the film. This can be referred to as reception analysis. The point of view of each audience in interpreting the message in a film is certainly different, there are three audience positions in the process of receiving messages in Stuart Hall's theory, namely Dominant Hegemonic Position, Negotiated Position, and Oppositional Position. The director has a very important role to make the moral message in a film, but the audience also has the right to have different opinions to interpret the message in the film. In Miracle in Cell No. 7, five informants have succeeded in processing and interpreting moral messages well with their respective points of view, four of whom fully agree in interpreting moral messages which fall into the category of dominant hegemonic position. While one other person does not fully agree with the message conveyed but there is another refutation behind the message conveyed which is categorized as negotiated position. The difference in position is influenced by the background knowledge and experience of each subject.

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