Starcross' 2022 wild ground event festival used as a promotional activity to increase brand awareness

Said Zaidaan Firstiansyah, Sovia Sitta Sari


Starcross is a streetwear brand that is quite a pioneer in the world of streetwear in Indonesia, founded in 2009. The founder of the stracross brand himself initially marketed his products by utilizing his relationships and scope of friends in college, and from there he also began to market his products to the creative community in the city of Yogyakarta. Nowadays if people have a streetwear clothing brand, they will easily market their products, it's all because of social media. It took Starcross many years to be able to gain awareness and also their target market again because they had to survive in the era of competitors who had a similar target market to them. Therefore, to increase and expand awareness of the brand name and tagline, they created a music festival event "Wild Ground Fest". The focus of this research is to find out how the strategy carried out by Starcross in increasing brand awareness through promotional activities through the Wild Ground Festival event. This research uses the post-positivism paradigm, the method used in this research is qualitative. The theories used in this research include promotion theory and brand awareness theory. The result of this study is that Starcross itself has a way of increasing brand awareness with promotional activities through the media festival event, because they want to rediscover the brand awareness of starcross, actually the market in Jogja and its surroundings already know what message the starcross brand itself carries, but on this occasion they want to try to develop a bigger medium, namely the Festival a larger number of people who can come, Starcross decide to use festival event media because of the dynamism of the market and also the changing behavior of the market.

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