Analysis interpersonal communication between Ustadz and Santri in Yaketunis dormitory: Case study of Al-qur'an memorization activities in Yaketunis dormitory

Sabiilur Rosyad, Gibbran Pratisara


Yaketunis is a foundation that has a vision and mission to make blind people equal to others, including memorizing the Qur'an with inclusive methods.  What needs to be considered in memorizing the Qur'an is the method and communication pattern.  Both of these have an important role in determining the success of memorizing the Qur'an and increasing its memorization power programmatically. The author categorizes memorization teaching materials in the Qur'an memorization process for visually impaired people using three methods and one type of inclusive communication. They are murottal, talaqqi, and combination methods. Then the communication pattern used is interpersonal communication. This paper discusses the communication pattern of memorizing the Qur'an for the visually impaired and explores memorization activities in Yaketunis Yogyakarta. This paper is expected to add to the scientific treasure in the field of disability and inclusive Islam. This type of writing is based on an ethnographic study with qualitative methods. The theory used in this writing is Devito's interpersonal communication theory. The results of this study show that Yaketunis students are able to memorize the Qur'an, they need media to help memorize such as digital Al-Qur'an, murottal recordings, and Braille Al-Qur'an. The conclusion is that with the modification of the communication method of memorizing the Qur'an, students with visual disabilities will be able to follow the method of memorizing the Qur'an in Yaketunis. The existence of tutors, and their communication patterns and the availability of appropriate learning media will determine the effectiveness of Yaketunis students in memorizing the Qur'an.

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