Representation of poverty in video clip the Brandals – The truth is coming out

Yoga Muhamad Mustofa, Indah Wenerda


Representation of poverty represented through the video clip "The Brandals – The truth is coming out" by seeing economic growth that is worrying about causing inequality in income distribution. The lack of equity leads to social inequality among the community.In an environment, the community can be said to be poor if the community has not been able to meet basic needs such as clothing, food, shelter, and education.  The city of Jakarta is one example of a big city in Indonesia that is the center of a rapid economic cycle, but it is also inversely proportional to the living conditions of people living in the suburbs of Jakarta.The research method used in this study is qualitative with semiotic analysis using John Fiske's approach. The results of this study show in the video clip The Brandals – The truth is coming out is poverty experienced by people living in suburban settlements of Jakarta, even though it is close to the city center but still escapes the attention of the government.The concept of development carried out by the government cannot be used as a solution because it ignores the principles of social justice and people's welfare, the attention of development has an impact on poverty rates is still the same and the emergence of a social gap.

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