KPID DIY campaign strategy 2021 for socializing the prevention of violations of Covid-19 broadcast content

Eldy Fariz Mustaqim, Firly Annisa


This essay investigates the KPID Yogyakarta advertising strategy for promoting prevention of broadcast programming in the years 2021. The audience stakeholder mapping theory is employed in this research to examine how media messages are incorporated into social marketing campaign ideas, particularly for public sector organizations. This study will describe how KPID DIY handles broadcasting-related prevention and oversight, covering radio and television transmissions. This essay will make use of the planning, programming, communicating, and assessing principles found in public relations and campaign management theory. This study examines the Chairman of KPID DIY, the Coordinator for Broadcast Content Supervision, and the Management and Structure of Broadcast Content Systems using qualitative and in-depth interviews. September to December 2021 saw the start of this study. The findings demonstrate that KPID DIY has overseen and guided broadcasting organizations, promoted media literacy, worked with government agencies, responded to public concerns in accordance with the law, and conducted an overall assessment.

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