The use of platform X as an information media (Qualitative descriptive study on account @Infomieayamyk)

Bagas Wirakusuma, Indah Wenerda


The transition from conventional technology to increasingly modern technology coupled with the rapid growth rate makes the internet increasingly easy to access by various groups. Unlimited and easy communication means that millions of people in all parts of the world can interact via the internet and social media. This makes it very easy for business people nowadays with the existence of social media, especially with platform X. Platform photos or videos. One account called @infomieayamyk often shares information about chicken noodle culinary delights, especially in the Yogyakarta area. This research uses a qualitative research method. In collecting data, researchers used interview, observation and documentation methods to search for structured data. Based on the results of the interview, the @infomiayamyk account was created in order to convey information related to culinary delights, especially chicken noodles around Yogyakarta. The approach is taken by uploading information in the form of threads or retweets from followers who tag the @infomieayamyk account and then responding in detail and quickly, thus attracting followers to respond well, so that interaction and information can be easily received by followers of the @infomieayamyk account.

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