The interaction patterns of social media users in general public are based on group chat in media reality and empirical reality

Kiki Muhidin, Eka Anisa Sari


This research is set aside from the phenomena of behavior and social interactions that are comparatively reversed between the virtual world and the real world, especially among social media users who actively share lifestyle and daily activities. As for the purpose of this study, it was to deepen observations of the intersection patterns of each member in a particular group chat and compare them with their interactions in the real world based on the theory of media reality and the empirical reality theory.

This research, using qualitative research methods and its own research strategy will use a phenomenological approach. The location of this research is in Yogyakarta City with the object of the research is the general public of social media users. Data sources are obtained from library studies, events or activities, places or locations, informants that are members of social media group chats. Data collection techniques use purposive sampling techniques in three ways: observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation.Validity of data is obtained through source triangulation and triangulation methods. The data analysis techniques used are interactive analysis models.  Research results show that some sources have similar patterns of interaction between media reality and empirical reality, while the rest show gaps because they do not feel well acquainted with each other as members of the group.

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