The role of producer in maintaining quality Angkringan Program on TVRI stasiun D.I Yogyakarta 2022

Iradianti Aisiah Munir, Budi Dwi Arifianto


This research analyzes the role of the Producer in maintaining the quality of the Angkringan program on TVRI stasiun D.I Yogyakarta in 2022. The Angkringan program is one of the featured variety show programs on TVRI stasiun D.I Yogyakarta. The profession of television Producer is the leader of the production team who is responsible for planning television programs, which has an essential role in producing quality television programs. This research aims to describe the role of the Producer in maintaining the quality of the Angkringan program on TVRI stasiun D.I Yogyakarta. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method and uses interview, observation and documentation data collection techniques. In-depth interviews were conducted with three informants, namely the Producer, the Program Director, and the cast of the Angkringan program. The research results show that the Producer of the Angkringan program plays a role as the initiator of the program production design, maintains broadcasting regulations and  Angkringan program values, handles the implementation of Angkringan program production, and  evaluate the production of Angkringan program. All of that is what the Producer does to maintain the quality of the Angkringan program.

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