Interpersonal communication patterns in long distance relationship between students from outside Java and their parents in maintaining family harmony

Putri Fadia Ramadhani, Suciati Suciati


This research aims to analyze interpersonal communication patterns carried out in long-distance relationships between students outside Java and their parents in maintaining family harmony. This paper studies the theory of communication patterns from Joseph De Vito. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, the technique for collecting informants uses purposive sampling technique, validity testing using source triangulation, and the data analysis technique uses several stages, namely, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the research results, it show that the interpersonal communication patterns of long-distance students from outside Java with their parents in maintaining family harmony are different. Informant I, namely DR and IY, had a balanced communication pattern because when discussing determining the educational major, DR chose the medical major and his parents agreed and agreed to the financial matters. DR's father and mother always trusted DR's choices and desires, so he became a child who never lied. Meanwhile, informant II, namely SA and AS, had a monopoly communication pattern because SA felt powerful and never listened to input from his family members. He was always jealous of his older brother when his parents bought something for his older brother. Factors that influence informant I's communication patterns are smooth communication, parents willing to listen to children's wishes, and children's decisions to respect parents. Meanwhile, informant II lost the father's role in the child's life, forming a selfish personality.

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