User perceptions of the TikTok shop application for selling

Ade Muhammad Fauzan, Iman Sumarlan


TikTok has incorporated e-commerce capabilities via TikTok Shop, allowing users to market and sell things on the platform. The purpose of this research is to look into how users perceive TikTok Shop as a marketing tool. The research employs a qualitative approach, collecting information through interviews with three Tiktok Shop users who are actively engaged in product sales. The descriptive analysis is used to analyze data. This study will examine how users view tiktok shop in a number of contexts, including usability, dependability, difficulties, and dangers of selling on the platform. Nothing textual exists. The research results show that merchants have expressed good feedback on TikTok Shop because of its easy-to-use interface and supportive technical support. Advertising and product management are made easier by the simple interface, while functions like trade statistics enhance consumer connections. This suggests that Tiktok Shop is an effective choice for business owners seeking streamlined procedures because it successfully facilitates online sales. Reliability is a crucial element for establishing trust among merchants in relation to the platform. Reliable payment systems enhance trust in online transactions by showing how rarely there are disruptions or downtime and emphasizing the excellent techological infrastructure that enables smooth transactions. The merchants' extended and problem-free encounters further strengthen the positive perception of the platform's dependability. Merchants have specific problems and hazards when selling on TikTok Shop. Merchants commonly face obstacles such as intense rivalry, algorithm modifications, and the necessity for more thorough guidance. Risks to data security and the significance of understanding and managing customer data are both serious concerns.

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