Digital Da'wah communication of the Muhammadiyah central leadership Tablighi Council using YouTube account

Rasyid Ezha Maulana, Iman Sumarlan


The rapid development of information technology can be used as a medium for da'wah communication, one of which is by utilizing the social media YouTube. The Muhammadiyah Central Leadership uses YouTube as a medium for preaching through the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership Tabligh Council channel. This article examines the challenges and contestations of digital da'wah communication carried out by the PP Muhammadiyah Tabligh Council via YouTube media. The approach used in this paper is a qualitative approach with a content analysis method. Data collection was carried out using a library research method which aims to collect various data and information related to research. The results of the research show that the PP Muhammadiyah Tablighi Council's YouTube channel began carrying out digital da'wah communications via a YouTube account in March 2019 through a video entitled How to Maximize Time (Ustadz Drs. H. Buya Risman Muchtar, M.Si). The main challenge in carrying out da'wah communications is the lack of public interest, this is shown by the number of subscribers which is only 11.3 thousand subscribers. Apart from that, the average number of viewers is only 500 viewers. Therefore, there needs to be an improved approach to reach and capture a wider audience.

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