Student’s perceptions of dressing style (Case study of Ahmad Dahlan communication science students university)

Shello Cokro Pangukir, Eka Anisa Sari


This study aims to determine the perception of the dressing style of students at Ahmad Dahlan University. One of the references to assess a person is to look at his appearance style, especially the person for the first time we know, the thing we see most first is the style of pacing that can make us give a positive impression or a negative impression and this study uses quantitative descriptive methods where this study the author conducts by analyzing and seeing the symptoms that occur by describing and interpreting objects according to what they are and the results In the form of numbers while the sample used in this study is a calculation of the Slovin theory where later the researcher will conduct research by giving sample images between pictures 1 and 2 to respondents to see their perception of the style of dress in the sample image

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