The influence of account @Dolan.Aja posts on Instagram on followers interest in visiting (Survey of followers of the @Dolan.Aja account)

Muhammad Rizki Aditya, Iman Sumarlan


The development of mass media has now become a necessity in supporting various activities in today's society. Mass media, such as verbal messages and signals, have become an inseparable part of human communication in everyday life. Instagram often emerges as a means to encourage people to create new trends and without realizing it can encourage people to do the same thing. Instagram users' posts about an object that is currently viral are often used as a reference to determine the choice to visit a tourist destination. This can be seen from what accounts the user follows. This research focuses on the influence of posts from the @dolan.aja account on Instagram on followers' interest in visiting. The aim of this research is to find out the magnitude of the influence of posts from the @dolan.aja account on Instagram on followers' interest in visiting, namely to find out whether there is an influence between the two variables and measure how big the influence is between the two variables. The method in this research is validity test, reliability test, descriptive test, normality test, linearity testing and simple linear regression analysis with a sample of 100 respondents in this research. The results of the research show that between variables X and Y there is a linear relationship. And the coefficient of determination shows that the correlation between variables X and Y is 58.2% and the rest is determined by other factors. In the final stage, a simple linear regression analysis was calculated to test the hypothesis. It was found that there was a real or significant influence between the @dolan.aja Account Posting variables (X) and Visiting Interest (Y).

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