Qualitative content analysis of racism in the film Kamen Rider black sun

Panji Tri Hatmojo


Racism is a form of discrimination carried out by race majority to race minority. Racism is a big issue that never stops in this world until now. Many minority races keep struggling due to these issues and trying to get their right. The Kamen Rider Black Sun film is a Japanese superhero film series that brings up the theme issue of racism. Directed by Kazuya Shiraishi, released on October 28, 2022, via the Prime Video online streaming platform, it tells a story about the chaos that occurred between humans and a humanoid monster called Kaijn which actually mysteriously appeared in Japan 50 years ago. The existence of Kaijin brings up two strongholds on humans who hate and want to destroy the existence of Kaijin and those who think that Kaijin can live side by side in a way of peace with humans.

To know How Racism in the Kamen Rider Black Sun film, this research uses method qualitative descriptive with technique content analysis. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that emerging racism in the film Kamen Rider Black Sun is divided become two namely: First, personal racism consisting of behavior, beliefs, and actions indicating race in the film. Second, institutional racism refers to actions condescending to race and certain things to do by social institutions and government.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12928/sylection.v3i1.14103


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