Raysportindo's Instagram storytelling content production strategy in increasing sales in 2022

Muhammad Daffa Uddin Alhaq


Competition in the business world is a sure thing. Technological developments affect promotional activities, with the ease and facilities that continue to emerge, making competition among business people tighter. Each company is required to always be creative and adaptive in marketing their products. Instagram is one of the media used as a medium for promotion through visual content. Storytelling is a type of visual content that conveys messages through stories. Storytelling makes the relationship between companies and consumers will be closer. Raysportindo is a retail store providing sporting goods that uses Instagram @raysportindo to promote through visual storytelling content. This research was conducted to find out how to prepare Raysportindo's storytelling content production strategy through Instagram media. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The data collection technique was conducted by interviewing three resource persons and documentation. Data collection techniques were conducted by interviewing three resource persons and documentation. The data analysis technique in this research will go through three stages: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of the study show that Raysportindo carried out several stages in developing a content production strategy: evaluating previous content by reviewing content that has been created through the Instagram Insight feature, such as reach, impressions, and engagement, and then determining the goals, continued by choosing the content mix or what social media to use to disseminate content and forming story ideas is carried out through the research process and brainstorming between creative teams. This series of strategy-making processes makes it easy for Raysportindo to produce storytelling content.

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