Peyuyon Beach tourism branding strategy by Gunungkidul Regency tourism office in increasing tourism

Arga Desa Restu Saparti, Muhammad Najih Farihanto


Peyuyon Beach is a beach that is still relatively new has a beautiful natural charm and has beach characteristics that other beaches do not have. The beauty of this beach is that it has beautiful coral rocks and clean white sand. Therefore, Peyuyon Beach is one of the beaches in Gunungkidul that must be visited by tourists in Gunungkidul Regency. Peyuyon Beach is precisely located in Kanigoro Village, Saptosari District, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta. The distance from this beach to the city is quite far because of its remote location. Peyuyon Beach is a hidden gem beach that is not too big. Even though it is not very wide, this beach has a charming beauty that is still beautiful and natural. Accessibility to Peyuyon Beach is also still considered difficult because the access road to Peyuyon Beach is still rocky. Apart from inadequate facilities, Peyuyon Beach also lacks promotional media which is less active, and management which is not yet temporary.

This research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive type, while the research object is the branding strategy implemented by Peyuyuon Beach to increase tourists. This research was carried out by collecting data through interviews and then explaining it descriptively. The data collection techniques that the researchers used were interviews, non-participant observation, and documentation. Researchers in this research hope that researchers want to increase tourist visits to Peyuyon Beach because the number of visitors is still relatively small compared to other tourist attractions. This happens because Peyuyon Beach is a beach that has only recently been known to the local community. Apart from that, no media promotes Peyuyuon Beach. So the problem of inadequate physical management/ facilities will immediately be realized well with this management.

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