Representation of Woman in before, Now and Then Film

Fathan Noer Aprianto, Vani Dias Adiprabowo


Gender differences are social and cultural constructs that are related to differences in status, nature of roles, and responsibilities between men and women. These differences in status, nature, roles, and responsibilities are depicted in the film "Before now, and then" by Kamila Andini. Nana, a woman living during the politically heated times in Indonesia, where power was transitioning from Soekarno to Soeharto, is the background of Nana's life. Nana holds the title Raden, which is utilized by a certain group to strengthen their movement. This process is somewhat similar to a political marriage, where the group leader will gain a stronger position in the village by marrying a woman with the title Raden. If Nana refuses to marry, her father's head will be severed. It is evident in this film that women are merely accessories, serving as companions to the winners of the rebellion. The representation of women in society generally depicts that women are weak, oppressed, secondary and the source of problems. The purpose of this research is to find out how women are represented in the movie "Before now and then".

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