Utilization of @NCTDreamINA X autobase account as interaction media among NCT Dream Fans in Indonesia

Elsa Vina Pramesti, Indah Wenerda


The utilization of autobase accounts on X (formerly known as Twitter) is quite phenomenal for X users in Indonesia, including fans of the South Korean boy group NCT Dream in Indonesia as a forum for interaction and exchange of information for fans through existing autobase accounts. This study aims to determine how the utilization of the autobase account @NCTDreamINA on X as interaction media among NCT Dream fans in Indonesia. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods with a netnography approach. The results showed that the @NCTDreamINA autobase account on X was well utilized by its followers (NCT Dream fans). In this case, the @NCTDreamINA account is able to realize the information needs of its followers.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12928/sylection.v3i1.14147


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