Utilization of social media Instagram as a promotional media for the Band Death Vomit in 2022

Rizky Satya Aldikala


Social media is a medium used by people all over the world. Social media has many benefits for its users, namely that it can be used for forums, virtual worlds, blogs and social networks. One of the promotional media that is often used by the community is Instagram, Instagram is a photo and video-based social media that can be used as a reference by the community. Currently, there are many Instagram social media users so that a lot of information is disseminated and one of them can be used as a promotional tool for works such as music. One of the bands that utilizes Instagram social media is Death Vomit, Death Vomit is a band from Yogyakarta with the Metal genre. The purpose of this research is to find out how to use Instagram as a means to promote Death Vomit. The method used is descriptive qualitative, the data collection technique is done by interviewing 2 sources and documentation. Data analysis techniques in this study include 3 stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusions drawing. The results of this study state that DeathVomit conducts marketing communication through Instagram with the stages of preparing the formation of the message to be addressed then determining the concept followed by choosing Instagram as a medium after which a content plan is made, Death Vomit also consistently uploads its concert schedule posters on Instagram so that fans who are waiting to see Death Vomit perform can flock to come to the event. Death Vomit also promotes its songs through Instagram which can be listened to through the digital platforms youtube and Spotify. With this promotional strategy, Death Vomit fans can find out all the updates about the band.   

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12928/sylection.v3i1.14148


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