Analysis of Moral Value in Short Film “Pulang” by Galih Firdaus

Ahmad Rhosid, Iman Sumarlan


Communication is an important activity in human life, either directly or indirectly. Film is a form of literary work that can be a medium of mass communication. The definition of film itself is a tool to convey messages or moral teachings to the general public, through visual media with artistic expressions carried out by artists and film people to express ideas and story ideas. The process of appreciating or enjoying literary works requires extensive knowledge, because the literary works created have an implementation in life. In the process of understanding messages or moral teachings that want to be instilled through film media. It is necessary to have a deep understanding of the details of the film, so that the suitability of the message that the film maker wants to achieve can be conveyed and become a positive impact on the audience.

This study aims to determine the moral values presented in a short film entitled "Pulang" by Galih Firdaus. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research with the subject of the characters in the short film "Pulang" by Galih Firdaus and the object of research in the form of moral values presented through the characters in the short film entitled "Pulang" by Galih Firdaus. The research data collection technique is by analysing, observing, and listening, in taking research data through a short film entitled "Pulang" by Galih Firdaus.  Based on the results of this study, there are findings of several moral values contained in a short film entitled "Pulang" by Galih Firdaus, namely the existence of human relationships with God, human relationships with others, and human relationships with themselves.

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