Analysis of moral communications on the website series “Nurut apa kata Mama” on Youtube channel Asia Central Bank solutions

M. Firnanda Saputra


While viewing the web series, the audience is immersed in a narrative that transcends the boundaries of space and time, offering insights into life and potentially impacting the viewers. Viewers of a web series are able to grasp a message conveyed by the series, similar to the moral message found in a web series. An online series called "Nurut What Said Mama" has been broadcast on Central Bank Asia's Solutions. Based on my previous statement, Mommy hosts a television program that pertains to the experiences and situations of ordinary life. Although presented in a comedic format, the web series is replete with profound significance and educational content. Given the information provided, the researchers chose to undertake a study titled "Analysis of Moral Messages in the Web Series Nurut Apa Kata Mama on the Central Bank Asia Solution Youtube Channel”. The study employed qualitative research methodology, namely content analysis, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the social context shown in the series "Nurut Apa Kata Mama". The approach adopted was descriptive, aiming to present a broader overview of the social environment rather than focusing on specific messages or texts. Researchers employ observational techniques, conduct library research, and analyze documentation to collect data. Triangulation of sources in credibility assessment refers to the process of corroborating evidence from multiple sources at various points in time. The research was examined utilizing Miles and Huberman's interaction model for analyzing data gathering, data reduction, and conclusion and verification. The research findings revealed that certain moments from the "Nurut Apa Kata Mama" web series, which conveyed a moral message regarding the ethical aspects of human relationships with God, suggested a lack of emphasis by the communicator on the acceptance of faith or godliness. The moral self-regard of individuals is not adequately emphasized, and the moral theme in the series is more likely to be conveyed through the interpersonal interactions among the characters. Morality in human connections pertains to the communicator prioritizing interpersonal messages that involve interactions between individuals.

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