Analysis of audience reception the content Gojek advertising message “BTS X Gojek new gang version of GoFood”

Puji Devi Sri Utami, Fitrinanda An Nur


Advertisement is one of the media that can be used to convey messages to the audience. The message conveyed in the media contains a reception that can influence the audience. The Stuart Hall reception divided the message into three groups of audiences, namely the dominant-hegemonic position, negotiated position, and, oppositional position. The purpose of this study is to find out the audience reception to the message of Gojek advertisement “BTS X Gojek New Gang Version Of GoFood”. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach. The analytical technique in this study is the reception of Stuart Hall. The data collection method is carried out by conducting observations, interviews, and documentation. The subjects in the study were ten people who had watched the Gojek Advertisement “BTS X Gojek New Gang Version Of  GoFood.”

The results showed that out of ten speakers there were three groups of positions in the Stuart Hall reception. The first group is the dominant-hegemonic position, which is the audience that agrees with the content of the message in the advertisement. There are 5 sources who are included in the dominant-hegemonic position group. The second group is negotiated position where the audience agrees with the content of the message, but has some aspects that for the audience are still lacking. In this second group, there were 4 speakers who were included in the negotiated position. The third group is the opposition position. In this position, the audience does not agree with the content of the message conveyed by the advertisement. There is 1 source who is included in the oppositional position. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the majority of the audience agrees with the message of Gojek advertisement “BTS X Gojek New Gang Version Of  GoFood”.

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