Analysis of jurnalistic photos about Israel and Palestinan military wars on Instagram @hariankompas

Freby Raka Mura, Indah Wenerda


The integration of the app within Instagram facilitates the prompt and effortless sharing of photographs and videos, enabling users to showcase their creative output, such as photography. Given the information provided, the researchers opted to carry out a study titled "Journalistic Photo Analysis of the Israel and Palestine Military Battle on the Instagram account @Hariankompas." This study falls under the category of qualitative research and employs Roland Barthes' semiotic approach to analyze journalistic photos found on the @hariankompass Instagram account. The study will focus on the denotations, meanings, and myths associated with journalistic photography. The data analysis technique employed in this study is the Miles and Huberman analysis model. This approach has stages for data collection, data reduction, conclusion writing, and data verification. Data triangulation is employed in this study to validate the data. Triangulation is a method employed in credibility testing to verify data obtained from many sources at various points in time. The results indicate that the denotation refers to the literal meaning of the picture, specifically how the scenario arose as a consequence of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Secondly, the importance of connotation lies in the fact that it adds depth and complexity to the true meaning of a photograph, imbuing it with additional layers of significance, emotion, and subjective value, in addition to its more generic interpretation. Journalistic photography typically eschews artificial lighting techniques due to the nature of the business. Instead, they predominantly rely on natural sunlight, capturing images during daylight hours.

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