Communication patterns of the PAMTAKA youth organization in Tanjung Karang Hamlet in increasing the solidarity of its membership

Nurfi Salsabila, Sovia Sitta Sari


An organization is an association of people who have the same goals and interests. An organization needs to communicate well with its members to create solidarity. This research is motivated by the lack of interaction that occurs at the PAMTAKA youth organization which causes a lack of solidarity among members. The solidarity felt by each youth organization encourages PAMTAKA to increase solidarity between the management and members. PAMTAKA Youth Organization needs to create good organizational communication patterns so as to create a harmonious and solid organization. This research aims to find out the appropriate communication pattern to increase the solidarity of its membership. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques use interviews and documentation as well as analyzing data through three activity streams, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Data testing was carried out using data triangulation to collect information by conducting interviews with members of the youth organization. This research shows that the PAMTAKA youth organization needs to use communication patterns, namely the wheel pattern, circle pattern, Y letter pattern, and all channel pattern. Meanwhile, the chain pattern is not used in the PAMTAKA youth group. With this communication pattern, it is hoped that it can motivate members to increase the solidarity of PAMTAKA youth organization members.

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