The influence of communication style on the motivation of Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah Radio Broadcast listeners among public

M Nurrohim, Fitrinanda An Nur


The world of communication and information is increasing nowadays, very quickly reaching various aspects of life in which all humans can feel their role, one of which is radio broadcasting. Radiomu Yogyakarta is a subsidiary of Muhammadiyah which started broadcasting in 2016. RadioMu, namely Muhammadiyah Streaming Radio, runs with a variety of programs presented to listeners. After developing into Radio, RadioMu with different listener segmentation, the broadcast content was aligned with the target listeners according to Radio's vision. The aim of this research is to find out how communication style influences the motivation of listeners of Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah radio broadcasts among the public. This research uses communication style theory. This research uses a qualitative approach. The data collection technique used by researchers is using in-depth interview techniques. The analytical technique used in this research is data reduction to sort the main data, then presenting the data by describing it to make it easier for researchers to understand the data that has been obtained, then drawing conclusions on the data that has been obtained. The research results show that the perspective on the communication style used by RadioMu is an open communication style, an argumentative communication style, then a friendly and precise communication style. The role of this communication style is to increase the number of listeners.

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