Representation of family communication patterns in the film Pelangi Tanpa Warna (Indra Gunawan, 2022)

Ikhsan Cahya Utama, Lukman Hakim


Film is a medium for conveying information that is easy and fast for the public to accept. Family films can provide benefits for knowledge and character education. One of the family films, namely the film Pelangi Tanpa Warna (2022), tells the story of husband and wife Fedi Bagaskoro and Kirana Putri. The events that occur in his family are the main focus of the film. Their married life is very happy with their child, namely Divo. Their happy life began to be tested when Kirana was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. This disease clearly made Kirana slowly forget many things, including her own family. In a family, of course there will be a family communication process. This research aims to determine the representation of family communication patterns in the film Pelangi Tanpa Warna (2022).

The theory used is Roland Bartes' semiotic theory which consists of Signifier, Signified, denotation, connotation and myth. The research method uses qualitative research.

Based on the research results, it shows that the film Pelangi Tanpa Warna  (2022) presents a harmonious family. The family in the film consists of Ferdi, Kirana and Difo. The film has a sign or message that it wants to convey to the audience, that in a household family support is needed when experiencing trials such as illness. Good family relationships will make the family not easily hit by trials, love given from the start will make the family not easily divided.

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