Personal branding of Dra. Hj. Kustini Sri Purnomo in local leaders election of Sleman District 2020

Muhammad Raikhan Natsir Ismail, Nur Sofyan


The Local Leaders Election Pilkada in Sleman Regency reflects a unique dynamic in the world of politics, with the main highlight being the election of a woman as regent. Her success as a woman in winning the regent position in Sleman demonstrates that women can succeed in a political landscape predominantly dominated by men with the proper support and personal branding strategy. Personal branding is central to communicating political visions and ideas to voters. The campaign of Kustini Sri is a concrete example of how she successfully built her image as a strong and convincing leader capable of overcoming gender barriers often encountered in politics. Qualitative research with a case study approach, including extensive interviews and document analysis, is crucial to understanding the personal branding strategies employed by Kustini Sri Purnomo. Triangulation data sources are also used to validate findings and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the role of personal branding in Kustini Sri's successful election and its connection to personal branding theory. This research offers knowledge in Personal Branding of Kustini Sri Purnomo by becoming the first woman regent who actively participates and motivate in various women's community and groups, showcasing her strengths and abilities as a woman capable of influencing those around her in a political landscape predominantly dominated by men. The Findings reveal eight laws of personal branding and branding theory. Kustini Sri Purnomo embodies element one of the Law of Distinctiveness; Kustini Sri Purnomo became the first woman regent in Sleman District History.

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