Analysis of Barista Coffee Shop interpersonal communication strategy Bolivar Coffee in Yogyakarta

Aldilla Wedya Gusman, Eka Anisa Sari


The coffe industry in Indonesia has experienced rapid development and encreasingly fierce competetition has encouraged cafe bussginessto focus on effective interpersonal communication strategies. This research aims to deepen into the interpersonal communication strategies implemented by baristas at Bolivar Coffee Shop, a cafe located in Yogyakarta. The main focus of the research is on aspects such as approach,involvement and adaptation in interactions between baristas and customers. This research has several objectives. First, to identify and analyze the interpersonal communication strategies used by Bolivar Coffee Shop baristas. Second, to evaluete the effectiveness of these strategies in meeting customer needs. Third, to understand the impact of interpersonal communication strategies on the level of customer satisfactions and their loyalty to Bolivar Coffee Shop. This research combines participant observation methods, indepth interviews with baristas and customers participant observation methods, indepth interview with baristas and customers surveys. The number with baristas and customer surveys. The number of research samples was 100 people. The collected data was then analyzed using qualitative and quantitative approches. The research result show that Bolivar Coffee Shop barista. Use a variety of interpersonal communication strategis,including a friendly approach,active listening and adaptation to customers preferences and adaptation to customer preferences and needs. These strategies signiticantly increase customer satisfaction levels and play an important and play an important role in building customer loyalty towards Bolivar Coffee Shop.  

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