Therapeutic communication between Midwives and Pregnant Women at Keruak Health Centre

Yara Fatrizia


This study aims to examine the therapeutic communication practices midwives use when caring for underage pregnant women. Minor pregnant women have special needs for medical care and emotional support. Therefore, effective therapeutic communication can play an important role in improving their well-being.

This research method collects data through in-depth interviews with midwives who have experience caring for underage pregnantwomen. The research findings indicate that effective therapeutic communication includes the ability to actively listen, demonstrate empathy,and establish apositive relationship with patients. Midwives must also have adequate knowledge of health issues relevant to underage pregnant women.

This study also highlights the challenges midwives face in therapeutic communication with underage pregnant women, such as social stigma and privacy issues. Thus, there is a need forspecialized training and institutional support to increase midwives'competence in providing sensitive care that is sensitive to the needs of underage pregnant women. The findings of this study may provide important guidance for health practitioners to improve the quality of care for underage pregnant women. 

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