Corporate social responsibility PT PLN Indonesia Power Suralaya PGU 2022

Widhi Nur Nindyanto, Nur Sofyan


Corporate social responsibility is a form of social responsibility for corporate investment in a region. The company is oriented towards profit and sustainable economic development based on social development side by side. As a state-owned company oriented towards providing electrical energy sources, PT PLN Indonesia Power Suralaya PGU has successfully implemented a sustainable CSR program with an orientation towards the development and social development of the community. This research is intended to find out the stages of planning to evaluate the CSR work program carried out by this BUMN so that the surrounding community can feel social development. The selection of a descriptive qualitative design with a qualitative case study approach resulted in Indonesia Power Suralaya PGU's community development. Satya Gawa, succeeding in increasing the stability and welfare of vulnerable people, in this case, ODGJ, through the Group Activity Therapy method, namely salted egg making coaching. The Satya Gawa program positively impacted 19 ODGJ to be more stable and productive so that they have an income of Rp 1,000,000/month/person. PT PLN Indonesia Power PGU synergizes with UPTD Public Health Center DTP Pulomerak and Cilegon City Health Office in implementing the Satya Gawa Program. The strategic plan of this program is five years. The findings reveal that company's role here is to provide facilities as 'lure' access so that after passing the specified scheme time, the community can be more empowered and independent in its operations.

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