The existence of local Television (Case: the existence of Jogja TV in broadcasting competition)

Muhammad Khalifatul Hakim, Eka Anisa Sari


The government's policy on broadcasting as stipulated in Law No.32 of 2002 on broadcasting has revolutionized broadcasting in Indonesia. This law, which is the legal basis for the existence of local, private, public and community broadcasting institutions, directly allows the creation of local television in Indonesia. This has led to the creation and development of local television in Indonesia. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing how the existence of local TV, with a case study on Jogja TV as a local TV that prioritizes local content with a target audience of all levels of society, which is expected to be able to meet people's needs for information and entertainment. The case study method is used to get an in-depth picture of Jogja TV as a local TV trying to maintain its existence. The results showed that Jogja TV as a commercial local TV, felt the competition in the television broadcasting industry. To maintain its existence, Jogja TV carries out various strategies, including; strengthening positioning, programming, improving the quality of  its techniques and human  resources, creating new programs that are increasingly attractive to audiences, and forming audience communities. The academic implications of this research strengthen the theory of media political economy regarding the control and defense of social media life, which is carried out by Jogja TV. While the practical implications suggest that Jogja TV continues to strengthen its strategy, by always paying attention to its functions and responsibilities to the public. Increasing off-air activities can be an alternative for Jogja TV to increase revenue sources. In general, there is also advocacy to oversee the enforcement of the Network Station System policy, so that local television in Indonesia can be more developed.

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