Interaction and social language of young people in Coffee Drinking culture in Palembang

Yolawati Yolawati, Ratu Mutialela Caropeboka, Mohammad Hafizni


The purpose of this research is to find out the interaction and social language of young people in the culture of drinking coffee in Palembang city. The problem studied in this research is the interaction and social language of young people in the culture of drinking coffee in Palembang city. To reveal the problem in depth and thoroughly, the researcher used a descriptive qualitative approach using the theory of Berger & Luckman and Albert Bandura. This research uses the theory of Social Learning Theory and Generative Phonology Theory. The results of the study state that the interaction and social language of young people in the culture of drinking coffee in Palembang city is a lifestyle process or a Millennial process as a medium for gathering which has been gathering at home now has transformed into gathering at the Café with this, summarizing that young people make coffee culture a means of friendship, a means of hanging out and a means of recreation. In the process of gathering, there is an activity, namely spending time, playing games, chatting with friends, taking photos and chatting about work, assignments and other things while enjoying a cup of coffee.

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