Afriani Afriani, Abbas Azwar, R. Heriadi Prasetyanta


This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which aims to ensure the implementation of online learning at SMP Negeri 1 Mempura during the COVID-19 pandemic. Online learning makes some students feel bored and not eager to carry out learning. For that, we need interesting media. One of the online and offline learning media is the Canva Application. The purpose of this study is to describe the use of Canva Application media to improve students' writing skills in English procedural texts according to students' conditions during School from Home (SFH). The type of research in this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). This classroom action research was conducted in class IX semester 1 of the 2021/2022 academic year with a total of 12 students. This classroom action research was conducted in 2 cycles. The stages in each cycle consist of planning, action, observation and reflection. For data collection sourced from tests, observations, interviews, and field notes. After getting action using the Canva application through cycle 1, students' creative abilities increased, namely the number of students whose scores were included in the lower group category as many as 2 students or 16.70%% and those included in the middle group category were 2 students or 16.70%, while 5 students or 41.61% are included in the upper group category, which is getting a score of 85 and above. In cycle 2, students' writing ability in making procedural texts is increasing, there are 1 student or 8.33% whose score is less than the KKM, as many as 2 students or 16.70% get a score range of 78-84, and a total of 9 students or 75.00 % is included in the upper group category because it gets a score of 85-100. The conclusion in this study is that the use of the Canva application as a media can improve students' ability to write procedure texts in English lessons. this can be proven by an increase in the percentage score of learning motivation and student learning outcomes in each cycle.

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