Peningkatan Pemahaman Konsep Fisika dengan Aplikasi Tracker Melalui Model Guided Inquiry

Ainun Mardiya, Fajar Fitri, Ridwan Ridwan


This study aims to improve the understanding of physics concepts by fostering students' interest in learning to take
physics lessons with the Guided Inquiry Model using the Tracker application. The Guided Inquiry Method is a
learning model that can improve student learning outcomes by designing and discovering physics concepts for
themselves where this model requires students to develop work steps in solving problems that have been given by
the teacher through LKPD so that the teacher functions important In choosing topics, questions and providing
material, students are required to design investigations, analyze and arrive at conclusions. Based on the results
of this study, it can be concluded that using the Guided Inquiry Model using the Tracker application can improve
students' understanding of physics concepts.


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