Ermin Tri Wahyuni, Avanti Vera Risti Pramudyani, Erni Hestiningrum


The ability to recognize letters during the pandemic with BDR activities in group A aged 4-5 years in ARRINA TK
has not achieved the expected results, namely from the results of observations that have been carried out
in Arrina Kindergarten for the 2021/2022 Academic Year from the results of activity videos sent when
children activity to recognize letters that there are still many children who have not memorized the letters and
are still flipping between letters to one another and from the results of consultations when parents collect
worksheets many parents complain that their children have not memorized letters, children aged 4-5 years should
already know and understand the sound of letters. And found the results were less than the maximum, it is not
appropriate to expect marked by becoming acquainted with the letters that have not shown the expected results,
still need the guidance of teachers and parents, and the teachers provide the media to recognize the letters so that
the learning of children are still not appropriate results This is expected because only 68%, namely 15 out of 22
children, can recognize letters.This study aims to improve the ability of children to recognize letters using letter
card media in group A aged 4-5 years at ARRINA Kindergarten, Godean, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The ability to be
improved is how children say letter symbols, show letter symbols and write letters. This research uses Kurt Lewin's
model to formulate 4 stages in classroom action research, namely planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The
research method and data collection were observation and assignment techniques. The research was carried out
at ARRINA Kindergarten, Pare, Sidorejo, Godean, Sleman, Yogyakarta with the research subjects being group A
students aged 4-5 years, totaling 7 children during this pandemic. This research was conducted in 3 cycles, namely
cycle 1, cycle 2 and cycle 3. Based on the results of research and discussion in this study, it can be concluded that
the ability to recognize letters using letter card media from cycle 1 to cycle 3 has increased and achieved results
in line with expectations, namely cycle 1 the level of achievement reached 71%, cycle 2 83% and cycle 3 86%

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