Tri Duri Sari, Soviyah Soviyah, Riwahyuti Riwahyuti


The objectives of this English subject cover four aspects of language skills, namely (1) listening, (2) speaking, (3)
reading, (4) writing. Among the four aspects, writing skills can be said to be very complex because writing can
be understood by readers if all elements support the writing such as language elements, content elements, proper
spelling and organize ideas systematically so that it is a very communicative unit. and easy to understand
(standard competence of Indonesian subjects, 2006). Based on the English Competency Standards, for class XII,
there are seven basic competencies related to learning to write. One of them is writing a job application letter.
So far, the author still provides learning to write conventionally using the lecture method, more theory than
practicing writing so that students' writing skills are not satisfactory. This is indicated by the average student
score of 60% (KKM) and 60% of students not enthusiastic about participating in learning to write a job
application letter. Meanwhile, the curriculum demands expect students to be able to write job application letters
by paying attention to the use of spelling, use of punctuation, word choice, sentence effectiveness, and conformity
of content to the data obtained. In connection with the problems that the authors face, the authors expect that the
learning activities of writing job application letters become fun learning and can achieve the demands of the
curriculum, the learning model that the author will use is a problem based learning model. For this reason, the
authors conducted Classroom Action Research with the title "Improving Skills in Writing Job Application Letters
with Problem Based Learning Models for Class XII Students of SMAN 5 Pinggir". In connection with the problems
that the authors face, the authors expect that the learning activities of writing job application letters become fun
learning and can achieve the demands of the curriculum, the learning model that the author will use is a problem based learning model. For this reason, the authors conducted Classroom Action Research with the title
"Improving Skills in Writing Job Application Letters with Problem Based Learning Models for Class XII Students
of SMAN 5 Pinggir"

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