Sri Wahyu Karyati, Vera Yuli Erviana, Wahyu Hastini


Integrated thematic learning in primary schools aims to develop students' basic knowledge, attitudes, and skills
by linking several subjects in one theme. The ideal learning implementation must be interactive, inspiring, fun,
challenging, and motivating students. Based on the results of the reflection, it was found that the problem of the
low quality of student learning is the lack of teacher skills in the use of varied media, lack of interest and motivation
of students in learning. ) in grade 1 SDN Kapuhan 2 Sawangan District. The type of research is classroom action
research with the stages of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The research was carried out in 2 cycles,
each cycle of 1 meeting. The research subjects were teachers and students of grade 1 SDN Kaouhan 2 Sawangan
District. Data collection techniques using test and non-test techniques. Data analysis used quantitative and
descriptive qualitative statistical analysis techniques. The results showed: (1) the teacher's skills in the cycle
obtained a score of 7 categories of sufficient, and cycle II obtained a score of 12 categories of very good. (2) The
activity of the first cycle students obtained an average score of 27.01 in the good category, and the first cycle
obtained an average score of 34.29 in the very good category. (3) Student learning outcomes in the first cycle
obtained completeness as many as 7 people (58.33 %), and increased in the first cycle to 12 people (91.66%). The
conclusion of this research is that through the use of Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning models can improve
student learning outcomes in integrated thematic learning in class I SD Negeri Kapuhan 2 Sawangan District.
Suggestions for teachers is the use of Problem Based Learning (PBL)

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