Dwi Yuliantoro Seno Utoro, Roni Sulistiyono, Siti Marni’ah


This research is motivated by the low ability to write review texts of students which is influenced by several factors.
First, students are still a lot confused in writing review texts. Second, students do not understand the structure of
the review text, and do not understand the linguistic elements in the review text. This study aims to describe the
use of the use of a scientific approach to the ability to write review texts for class VIII students of SMP Negeri 31
Bengkulu Tengah. This research is Classroom Action Research. The research setting was carried out at SMP
Negeri 31 Bengkulu Tengah. The data of this study are data on learning activities in class and data on the ability
to write review texts. Sources of research data are Indonesian teachers and class VIII students, totaling 13 people.
Data collection techniques using writing ability tests and learning observations in class. Data analysis was done
descriptively.The results showed that there was an increase in the learning outcomes of writing review texts and
learning activities in the classroom using a scientific learning approach. This can be seen from the results of each
cycle of learning actions. The average value of students in the first cycle is sufficient category, namely: 78.88%
and in the second cycle the good category is 82.72%. Students' mastery of classical learning occurs from cycle 1
to cycle 2. The scientific approach is very suitable to be used to teach writing skills, especially writing review texts.
This is because this approach can make students more active and understand more easily the material being

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