Murniyati Murniyati, Riana Mashar, Sri Sukarningsih


This research is motivated by the low fine motor skills of children, especially when folding activities for new
students in group B at TK ABA Jatisari. This research was carried out when PPL PPG was held in June. This
study aims to improve fine motor skills through origami folding activities in new students of group B TK Aisyiyah
Bustanul Athfal Jatisari Ponjong. The type of writing of this research is Classroom Action Research. While the
data collection techniques with observation and documentation. The results of this study are as follows: In cycle
1 out of 5 children 1 child (20%,) began to develop 2 children (40%) developed as expected 2 children (40%)
Developed Very Good. In cycle 2 of 5 children 1 child (20%) began to develop, 1 child (20%) developed as
expected (20%), 3 children (60%), developed very well. While in cycle 3, out of 4 children, 1 child developed as
expected (25%), 3 children developed very well (75%). From the Classroom Action Research conducted, it can be
concluded that the action taken in the form of folding origami has been able to improve the fine motor development
of children in group B at Aisyiyah Kindergarten Bustanul Athfal Jatisari Sawahan Ponjong.

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