Nur Azizah Sriwidari, Riana Mashar, Hendriani Hendriani


Problems in aspects of cognitive development that arise for each child are different, as is the case in the Integrated
Islamic Kindergarten (TKIT) At-Taqwa. Data obtained from observations in the 2021-2022 school year. lack of
confidence in completing activities related to creating according to their ideas, still often ask the teacher how to
make it, need to be more stimulated in providing a variety of play that can hone creative thinking,the learning
strategies carried out by teachers are less creative, which arise from the teacher's method which is still
monotonous (angry), the teacher's media is less varied (only using pictures instead of real objects) and teachers
have not used scientific learning and higher order thinking skills (HOTS). This activity is carried out online. The
teacher's role is to provide appropriate and meaningful media through loose parts of natural materials and
finished materials when online. Together with parents as a collaboration on one activity and otheractivities are
carried out independently individually to develop children's creative attitudes. The method used is classroom
action research. with 21 research subjects in group B at the age of 5-6 years at At-Taqwa Kindergarten Surabaya.
Data collection is done by observation and documentation. The results showed that learning using loose parts
media could improve creative thinking skills in group B. This can be seen in the results of the Pre-cycle percentage
of 33%, then carried out in Cycle I, the percentage increased to 50% and continued to Cycle II, it was obtained
an increase in the creative thinking attitude of children to 80%.

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