Martha Enggal Ratna Sari, Riana Mashar, Hendriani Hendriani


STEAM is a new innovation in the era of disruption in the world of education. which is an integrative thematic
learning, scientific approach and technology-based, STEAM Method is a unit of learning to improve critical
thinking skills that can be carried out by all educational fields including early childhood education. The purpose
of this study is to develop the learning process using STEAM and loose part based learning methods. And to
increase critical thinking in children is characterized by children able to solve problems and be able to make
connections with the surrounding environment. Using a loose part based STEAM learning method that is able to
develop critical thinking of children. Children's creativity can be seen from how to play, explore and have creative
thinking skills and fluent, critical thinking skills that we can see in analyzing a problem, can explore in detail and

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