Jainab Jainab, Bambang Widi Pratolo, Suwinarni Suwinarni


Class action has been carried out at SMA Negeri 1 Pulau Laut Tengah in English subjects with the object of
research being students of class X MIPA in the even semester of 2020/2021. This research was conducted as an
effort to improve the skills of writing descriptive texts for students of class X MIPA. The Problem Based Learning
learning model was chosen to be applied after going through the results of observations and reflections carried
out by researchers. Researchers plan actions based on the results of observations and reflections that have been
carried out through Problem Based Learning-based learning tools consisting of test questions (tests), observation
sheets and lesson plans as well as other supporting devices. The Problem Based Learning learning model in
accordance with the 2013 Curriculum consists of 5 stages, namely orientation of students to problems, organizing
students to learn, investigating individuals and groups, developing and producing works, and analyzing and
developing problem solving processes. This research can be completed in 2 cycles, 4 meetings and 2 daily tests.
The results of the research which are data observations and recapitulation of test results (tests) and recapitulation
of learning completeness show that there has been an increase in positive student learning activities in class and
an increase in test averages (tests) as well as an increase in classical completeness from cycle 1 to cycle 2. Student
activities during the process learning is observed by observers as data for evaluation and reflection.
Recapitulation of test averages (tests) and learning completeness obtained from cycle 1 test scores and cycle 2
tests. Based on the results it can be said that the use of the Problem Based Learning learning model in class X
MIPA SMA Negeri 1 Pulau Laut Tengah is able to improve writing skills of subject description texts English as
indicated by the average test (test) and classical completeness in each cycle.

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