Sri wati, Mujidin Mujidin, Anisa Tulhijriyah


This study aims to determine the efforts to increase children's creative abilities in TK Plus Latansa Demak for the
2021/2022 Academic Year. The research chosen by the author is Classroom Action Research, which is action
research in the form of research with purposive sampling as the subject. Researchers took 5 children as research
subjects. The data analysis technique in this classroom action research uses a method using a rubric. The increase
in creativity skills through the batik method that occurs in children can be seen from the results of calculations
on the observation sheet where after the activities in the first cycle are carried out, the average child who gets the
criteria for Very Good Development is 20% of the children. After the second cycle, which showed that children
who received the criteria for Very Good Development increased by 40%, and in cycle III the children who received
the criteria for Very Well Developed increased to a success rate of 80% of children, so it can be said that the
classroom action research carried out in these three cycles have been successful.

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