Jepri Jepri, Ani Susanti, Suwarni Suwarni


This study aims to improve learning outcomes in English subjects by using the Problem Based Learning (PBL)
learning model in class IX students of SMPN 4 Naringgul, totaling 16 students, consisting of 4 male students and
12 female students. Data collection techniques using observation, tests, and documentation. The data analysis
technique was carried out through a model in the following order: data presentation, and drawing conclusions.
The result of this study is the increase in student learning outcomes in english learning. This can be seen from the
increase in the percentage of student learning outcomes from cycle I to cycle 2. The application of the Problem
Based Learning model can help improve the learning achievement of class IX students at SMP Negeri 4 Naringgul,
Cianjur Regency. The increase in the average value of the class from cycle I to cycle increased from 65 to 78 and
cycle II. Average score In cycle II the category of very high scores of students increased from 7 students to 14
students. Student learning achievement reaches the indicator of success from the Minimum Completeness Criteria
(KKM) of 100 percent. Problem Based Learning model can help increase student activity and student achievement
in learning English at SMPN 4 Naringgul Cianjur Regency.

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