Intan Oktafiandari


This research is motivated by the conditions that occur in the field is that learning poetry musicals is not
socialized. In fact, some educators do not deliver poetry musicalization lessons at all. This is due to the lack of
time allocation, the difficulty of getting learning resources, and the lack of assessment of learning poetry musicals.
As a result, poetry musicalization learning is underdeveloped and has an impact on non-existent poetry
musicalization learning, without relevant poetry musicalization theory. As well as the lack of innovation in the
learning model in musicalizing poetry, so it looks monotonous. This research is also motivated by the results of
the analysis of the value of daily assignments in class X SMK Muhammadiyah Berbah in the 2020-2021 academic
year, it can be seen that students' interest, motivation and creativity in poetry texts are still low. On the other
hand, the daily test scores of students are based on 22 students, 18 children achieved a score of 60 and only 4
students who achieved a score of 78, so that students who had not KKM reached 50%. In the creativity of students
themselves, students are still in the low category with a score of 59 and below, for the medium category the score
that needs to be achieved is around 60-79, and the high category is 80-100. This requires a fun learning model
and can form creativity in applying applications. One of the models used in teaching, especially poetry musical
learning is a project-based learning model. Project-based learning model is a student-centered learning model
to conduct an in-depth investigation of a topic. Students construct a deepening of learning with a research-based
approach to serious, real, and relevant problems and questions. With this model, students are able to apply it and
can be creative and active in musicalizing poetry. This model is expected to be an alternative as a student learning
model to be more creative, creative and have creation in poetry text learning.

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