Solihin Solihin, Hani Irawati, Dewi Setyoastuti


The lack of skills of students in terms of packaging crops causes students to become unskilled, this is based on the
results of observations of psychomotor abilities, it is found that the ability of students to package is still in the
criteria of being unskilled. This study aims to see whether the application of the Project Based Learning model
can improve students' skills in packaging material for harvest products in class XI ATPH 1 of Jambi State
Agricultural Development Vocational School. The subjects of this study were 28 students of the Jambi State
Agricultural Development Vocational High School, class XI ATPH 1, as many as 28 people. This type of research
is classroom action research (CAR). The research design used starts from the planning, implementation, action
and observation stages, as well as reflection. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative analysis.
Based on the results of the analysis, there was an increase in the skills of students in packaging crops with an
initial percentage of 0% (0 students) in the first cycle and then to 87.5% (28 students) with the skilled category in
the second cycle. The improvement of students' skills is related to the increase in the value of the teacher's work
aspect, which is 75.00% (good) in the first cycle to 79.17% (very good) in the second cycle. The Project Based
Learning model can help students improve and develop skills in harvesting packaging activities and can also help
improve the ability of educators in teaching.

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